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    Chicco Baby Monitor Audio

    $ 83.50
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    Chicco is an Italian brand with over 60 years of global experience designed with safety and comfort to help children at every stage. Chicco is constantly working to create the best products while respecting people and the environment, with a perspective to future generations. Chicco never fails to track style trends and explore new innovations to create a range of fashionable and practical baby gear.


    The baby monitor audio provides all the basic functions that mom and dad need to stay close to their baby. Vox activation is activates automatically when the baby makes a sound. When in mute, a sound intensity indicator allows the parents to get feedback in order to monitor the baby throughout the night.


      We highly recommend Chicco Audio Baby Monitor because it a DECT technology guarantees confidentiality between the two units. A Wide range of operation ensures even long-range communication between units (up to 300 m). With lights to indicate the intensity of the noise from the room where the child is. It has 10 levels of volume to and a practical holder to her sound better.