Doomoo Supreme Sleep Plus
Doomoo Supreme Sleep Plus

    Doomoo Supreme Sleep Plus

    $ 75.00

    Doomoo are beautiful, practical and multi-functional, so you can keep on using them once your own baby is growing. Instead of having to adapt your lifestyle to having a baby, Doomoo products are designed to adapt to your lifestyle. And they guarantee the best comfort and safety for both babies and parents alike. Doomoo is part of the company Delta Diffusion. Get in touch with us if you would like to know more about our products.


    The support belt helps to reassure both baby 
    (presence on his belly, small pressure in case of 
    colic) and parents.

    How To Use;

    This comfy nest also contains a removable bottom roller to move baby’s legs in a fetal position, which helps reduce colic.

    The Sleeping Nest can be used from birth onwards. It’s 3D fabrics secure a perfect  ventilation.

    If your baby has reflux, you can combine the Sleeping Nest with Rest Easy.
    An additional cover is also available
    Dimension: 33cm X 60 cm

    Familialis's Recommendation;

    Highly recommended quality for your baby's comfort.
