Acm Trigopax 30Ml - FamiliaList

    Acm Trigopax

    $ 15.00

    ACM willing to offer products capable of treating the most common issues dermatologists are consulted for and which are suitable for all skin types. Because we all have different skin issues and not all skin ages, heals and holds moisturize in the same way.



    This care product has been designed to protect, sooth and repair the skin in the event of repeated friction and/or maceration, causing irritation and redness inside skin folds, particularly for athletes, elderly persons and obese subjects. Specific active substances limit maceration and friction, while promoting epidermal repair. The bacterial and fungal flora is controlled to limit risks of infection. Trigopax contains Amihope, a powder with lubricant properties 4 times superior to those of talc. Very well-tolerated, it does not irritate mucosal surfaces.

    Ideal for Irritated, subject to frictions and repeated maceration.


    How to use:

    Apply 1 to 2 times per day.


    Familialist's Recommendation:

    Skin fold redness and irritation.

    30 ml